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eBook Only

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Price 416.00

Our Debut Publishing Package include all the essential elements to take your work from manuscript to a polished, published book showcasing your work.

What's Included?

One-on-One Author Support

We will personally contact you in a way convenient for you and we will discuss all the details of the selected package.

Global distribution

Your book will be available for sale from our online bookstore.

Registration of ISBN and COBISS number

We will prepare the documents and register your book to obtain an ISBN. We will also send the required books that need to be deposited in the national library and your book will also receive a COBISS number.

Author Volume Discounts

We will provide you with an additional discount for each order made through our platform.

Custom Cover - Standard

We will make an individual cover of your book according to the selected package.

Free copy /paperback/

You will receive one free paperback copy of your book.

Available for Paperback Books

We will prepare the files so that your book can be printed in both paperback and hardcover.

Sold in eBook format - mobi

We will prepare a .mobi e-format of your book.

Placing images - black and white/color /then BGN 5 per image/ - 10/36

If you have selected images that you want to be included in your book, we will include them and prepare the file for printing and electronic version.

Editing - Budget up to 100 lv.

We will edit your book, but if the chosen package budget for editing exceeds the amount you have to pay for editing you have to pay the difference. For example if you have chosen the Debut package and the amount for editing is 90 lv. you do not have to pay any extra, but if the amount is 110 lv. in this case you need to pay the difference which is 10 lv.

Interior Book Design and Layout - Maximum

We will format the look of the inner pages of your book according to the selected package.

Editorial Review

We will choose the most suitable person from our team according to the genre, who will read your book and write a review of your book.

Cover Copy Polish

Your book will be placed on the homepage for advertising and more visits.

Promotional Materials - 200

Your promotional materials will include business cards, bookmarks (3.5 x 20 cm) and postcards (11 x 15 cm).

Post for your book made by Instagram influencer

Post for your book made an a selected by us Instagram Influencer

Paperback Copies - Budget up to 100 lv.

We will print and send the specified copies of the package in paperback

Hardcover Copies - Budget up to 50 lv.

We will print and send the specified pieces of the package in hardcover

Subscriptions for authors - Popular

Includes: Minimum discount for each order, Books on home page (Shuffled) and Badge next to your name. Note: if there are same services on both packages then those services are ignored. For 1 year period.

Deposit books

By law you must deposit 3 copies of your book to the National Library of Bulgaria if the ISBN number is assign in Bulgaria and you used one of the packages provided by us. If this is the case we will print and send those 3 copies to the National Library at your behalf, so you do not need to do that for free.

Symbols to use in the Create section - 200 000

To use the services in the Create section, you must have symbols that are used as currency in the system. The number of characters includes both those entered by you and those received as a result of your request. They are deducted from the total number of symbols in your account. To give you an idea of ​​how many characters 30,000 represents, that's about 5,000 words, or roughly 60 pages of text at standard font size and spacing.

Free Shipping - on the territory of Bulgaria

Based on the selected package, we can offer free delivery of the physical products within Bulgaria or worldwide.

Free copy /hardcover/*

You will receive one free hardcover copy of your book. *Hardcover only available if technically possible.