eBook Conversion

Let us help you

Price 62.40

Turning your text into an EPUB that's publish-ready for eReaders can be a daunting and time-consuming undertaking. Avoid the stress and be sure it's done right the first time with the Assistant eBook package.

What's Included?

With the Assistant, you get everything you need to turn your document into an EPUB, plus a lot more. Here's what's included:

  • izdavam.com converts your text-only document file to the EPUB format (up to 500 pages). We support DOC, DOCX, RTF and ODT formats
  • We create an electronic table of contents (NCX file) compatible with eReader devices
  • We ensure project metadata is compliant with industry standard distribution guidelines
  • We will add a standard copyright page to the EPUB if you don't have one already
  • We provide a clean izdavam.com galley cover design. Our standard design can be revised whenever you'd like using our free book cover wizard
  • We assemble, publish, and make your eBook available for sale on izdavam.com
  • You keep 90% of the revenue from sales of your eBook
  • You always retain ownership of the source files and the copyright
Save yourself time and eliminate the frustration. Let izdavam.com assist!

What isn't Included?

  • If your manuscript includes images, tables or footnotes, you may be more interested in our premium offering.
  • Any text revisions will require a new package to be purchased
  • Visit your My Projects page on izdavam.com to manage print book distribution, not included in this project.

How do I start?

  • Upon purchase, you will receive an activation email from izdavam.com with an attached questionnaire. The questionnaire must be filled out and returned in a reply to that email within 30 days of purchase to activate the service.
  • When you submit your questionnaire, you should also upload your finalized manuscript to the My Files section of your izdavam.com account. Instructions on how to use My Files can be found in the activation email.
  • Once we receive your questionnaire and document, we will begin working on your conversion.
  • In 1-2 weeks, a new eBook project will be built in your account, published, and approved for retail distribution. You will receive an email when this process is complete.